Being in the bath business a long time, I’ve seen and heard from a lot of different people. One of the things that causes more undue consternation among my clients is picking out a shower system. It causes people to stress, panic, and make rash decisions. I am here to tell you that designing a shower system, no matter how simple or complex is NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!! It is a step by step process that when done correctly, can add a wonderful bathing ritual to your life…
Now I have to admit…I love showers. There are bath people and there are shower people. I can appreciate a good soak, but it requires a different mindset, time, and patience. Benjamin Franklin loved baths. He would conduct business meetings while in the tub using a cover of his own design in order to maintain a certain level of modesty. I love showers…I do my best thinking in the shower. It is my personal space. I am only surrounded by steam, air, and my thoughts. To me, it is conducive to thought, meditation, and relaxation. In order to remove the mystique, stress, and strain from its design, I offer this small primer.
The most important thing to remember before you figure out what are your best options for your shower, are what you are looking for in your shower, the type of water pressure your home or building is providing, and the space allocated to the shower. You should also ask your contractor or plumber about building codes in your area. A lot of municipalities now mandate the use of anti-scald valves in any shower installation. This is not a probem and actually can make the entire process simpler.
One of the best anti-scald valves out there is called a thermostatic mixer.
It is a wonderful piece of equipment that provides the basis for most of the shower systems I design. It is generally a ¾” temperature setting valve (although it is available in ½” & 1” configurations as well) Depending on the manufacturer, it allows a water flow rate of anywhere from 10 GPM (gallons per minute) to 22 GPM! All the thermostat does is control water temperature…it turns no water on or off. You need what are called volume controls to actually control water flow. For each and every outlet, and you can have more than one…you need a volume control. Just make sure you know the water output of your various showerheads, bodysprays, rainbars, et al. so you don’t over tax the capacity of your thermostat. Some people make use of multiple thermostats in their shower so they don’t run low on water flow to their various outlets! There are also diverter valves that can be used to move water from one source to another, but with the thermostatic valve, this limits the reason you made the choice the upgrade the valve in the first place…water flow. Due to the fact that you have this increase in water flow, and that you have independent volume controls turning on and off your water flow, with the thermostat, you can actually have more than one source going at the same time. Imagine if you will, you’ve had a rough day, and you are stressed to the n’th degree. You step into your shower…a 14” diameter (or larger) shower head starts raining down upon you from your ceiling,
while multiple body sprays massage you from every angle erasing the knots from your body, and allowing your mind to clear itself.
Or, maybe, you wake up (too early), for work. Your preferred shower temperature is already set on the thermostat. You turn on the volume control to your multifunction showerhead and a powerful torrent of water hits you, throws you against the back wall of your shower (kidding…sort of) and helps to wake you up and get you ready for the day ahead.
Or, maybe, you wake up (too early), for work. Your preferred shower temperature is already set on the thermostat. You turn on the volume control to your multifunction showerhead and a powerful torrent of water hits you, throws you against the back wall of your shower (kidding…sort of) and helps to wake you up and get you ready for the day ahead.
The beautiful thing about thermostats is that they really are available in just about every price point and style you can think of . Years ago, thermostatic valves were part of the rarified air that only wealthy people could afford to have installed. Finding plumbers who knew how to install them was a challenge. Now, like computers, and automobiles, the trickle down theory applies, and the price of the these great valves has dropped like a stone making it possible for almost anyone to incorporate them into a shower design. My next article will discuss simpler and more basic shower set ups.
Richard K. Segal
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